Thursday 11 October 2012

Rest In Peace

Moved to Tumblr.... siNce thats where most of the action seems to be at.
 I do like Blogspot, much, much, much, much easier then Tumblrs god awful interface.

************ALL NEW WORK POSTED AT***************


Tuesday 11 September 2012

Update 2

Internet problems prevented me from posting these really havent felt like it much.

Friday 31 August 2012

Update 1

So here is some stuff Ive done that hasnt been posted here. I did post it on my DA account which is http://

I will post some more later.

Monday 27 August 2012



I cant make a decent Tumbler page so this blog will suffice for now

Monday 25 June 2012

Im a shit artist and should leave

Well, after simply saying I thought there were a lot of samefagging going on in the /vg/ draw threads, everyone got all mad and told me to leave and my art is shit.
I know its shit thats why I do it, to you know, get better....
Anyway, here are 2 shitty peices ive done...

So Im going to take a break from doing /vg/ requests and focus on going back to the fundementals of art...or something......whatever...

Sunday 24 June 2012

I probably shouldnt post this rant.jpg

Sometimes, well a lot of the times, I really wish I should just start studying anatomy and propertion.

Everytime I have tried to, I end up stopping becuase I either find its too boring and lose interest. I also feel, and this is embaressing to admit, that Im not "smart enough" to learn it.
Seems like a lot of information to try and take in.
Not to mention that it jsut seems to suck all the fun away.

Then there are times where I just say to myself, make sure youre doing this for enjoyment. Afterall that should be the whole point for me. Im not trying to be a professional or making a career out of it.
The hard part is, it often is really frustrating not being able to draw well. This then cuases me to go back and think about learning anatomy.

I mean where to even begin with learning anatomy, it just seems soo daunting and overwhelming that I would rather just go back to shitty drawings till i get mad and start the whole should or shouldnt i learn anatomy arguement all over again in my head.
The whole thing just repeats itself.

Friday 22 June 2012

Bad hair day

"Requesting your interpretation of sun goddess Amaterasu as a human."
 Im terrible at doing hair so not happy with how it turned out plus the eyebrows are weird.

Feeling like shit atm so blah blah and stuff...